Changes in the material and technical equipment of the agricultural sector of the Bulgarian economy in the context of deepening of European integration relations

Mariia Georgieva

Ph.D. (History)

Associate Professor of the Department of Theory and History of State and Law 

National University of Transport, Kyiv, Ukraine


Abstract. The article highlights the experience of Bulgaria in the field of public administration and regulation of logistical support of the agricultural sector of the economy under European integration conditions. The legislative bases of support of the national agricultural machine-building are analyzed with the aim of determining the factors of increasing the efficiency of agrarian production, depending on its logistical support in the conditions of European integration. In the course of the study, extensive methodological tools were used, in particular, methods of analysis and synthesis, generalization, unity of logical and historical approaches, comparative law, historical law and formal law. Main results: It has been found that in order to ensure high efficiency of agricultural production, a wide range of Bulgarian production equipment should be created. State support was provided by financing targeted programs aimed at improving the logistical base of the Bulgarian village. The state policy of promoting the development of innovative activity of agricultural producers has been investigated. Practical meaning: The author’s proposals to improve the logistics and increase the efficiency of agricultural machinery use by agricultural producers can be used in the formation of national state support policy in the formation of the material base of the Ukrainian village. Originality: For the first time in the Ukrainian historiography the Bulgarian experience of logistical support of the agrarian producer in the conditions of European integration has been investigated and generalized. The scientific novelty is to substantiate the Bulgarian experience in organizing the system of state support for logistics and supply of the agricultural sector of the economy. The structure of logistical support of the Bulgarian village is revealed through the system of legislative acts and targeted programs. The regularities of state support of logistical support of agriculture have been studied. It is substantiated that the logistics of agricultural production affects its efficiency and effectiveness.

Keywords: agricultural sector of economy, Bulgaria, commodity producer, European Union, integration, governance.

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