Alla Kyrydon,
Dr. Habil. (History), Professor,
State Research Institution «Encyclopedia Press», Kyiv, Ukraine.
Serhiy Troyan,
Dr. Habil. (History), Professor,
University of Rzeszov (Rzeszov, Poland)
National Aviation University (Kyiv, Ukraine)
Abstract. The dynamics of international processes show the growth of the security factor, and hence the importance of regional security systems and the interdependence of regional and global organizations of collective security and defense. The creation and development of the Common Security and Defense Policy (CSDP) of the European Union, aimed at achieving the common strategic goals of the Member States in the field of security cooperation, has undergone a path of dynamic and contradictory transformations, reconciling the interests of the Member States with the supranational institutional nature of the EU and its strategic goal. The common security and defense policy is a conceptual component and the core of the EU’s common foreign and security policy.
On March 21, 2022, at a meeting in Brussels, the foreign and defense ministers of the 27 EU member states approved a decision to adopt the first-ever joint EU security and defense strategy – the Strategic Security and Defense Compass for the European Union, which protects its citizens. values and interests and promotes international peace and security ”(hereinafter referred to as the Strategic Compass). Structurally, the Strategic Compass is divided into a summary, an introduction, five blocks (modern world, actions, security, investment, partnership), conclusions. The document notes that humanity is living in an era of strategic competition and complex threats to international security, both in the form of hybrid challenges and acts of direct aggression. Particular emphasis is placed on the return of the war in Europe with Russia’s unjustified and unprovoked aggression against Ukraine. The EU is committed to protecting the European security order, sovereignty, territorial integrity and independence of states within internationally recognized borders. Ukraine’s support in resisting Russia’s military aggression is aimed at restoring peace in Europe. In the long run, the Strategic Compass can be one of the important impulses to increase the level and content of cooperation between the European Community and Ukraine as a candidate country for EU membership. At the same time, a stronger and more effective EU as a powerful international player in security and defense will help strengthen global and transatlantic security.
Key words: security, defense, European Union, Common Security and Defense Policy, European Security Strategy, EU Global Strategy, Strategic Compass.
Submitted 27.07.2022
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