European integration: past and present
- Andrii Martynov. The Defense Policy of the European Union on the Modern Stage 8-28
- Evgen Khan. The Adaptation of the Ukrainian Legislation to the European Norms in the Process of Accession to the Joint European Educational Space 29-49
Actual problems of european history and international relations
- Olha Buturlimova. The Formation and the Evolution of the British Labour Party 50-62
- Mykhailo Boiko, Oleksandr Ivanov. The Denazification of the Post-war Germany in the American Occupation Zone in 1945-1949 63-81
- Denys Ivanov. The Foreign Historiography of the British Foreign Policy Process (1990-2010) 82-102
- Iryna Maruschak. The United Kingdom in the Gulf War and the Position of NATO (1990 – 1991) 103-115
- Galyna Mingazutdinova. Basic Directions of the Contemporary Ukrainian-Bulgarian relations (1991 – 2018) 116-138
- Maryna Mykhailenko. The Education Reform of the Kingdom of Italy in the First Decades after the Unification 139-150
- Oleg Mashevskyi, Taras Tkachuk. British-French-Soviet Negotiations of 1939: Failed Attempt of Establishing a Collective Security System in Europe 151-175
- Viktoriia Pilkevych. «Education for All» in UNESCO’S Activities 176-186
- Natalia Papenko, Evgen Papenko. Society and State in the Works of Thomas Paine 187-200
- Ihor Rymar. The Problem of the Precession of the Simulacrums and the Medium in Shaping the Appraisal Reactions Towards the Moscow Show Trials (1936-1938) in the Western Media 201-216
- Іhor Sribnyak. «Don’t Fester Behind Bars, Get On with Your Life Here, in this Small Wired City…» (Everyday Life of the Interned Ukrainian Soldiers in Aleksandriv, Evidenced with the Camp Periodicals, 1921) 217-252
- Taras Tkachuk. The Munich Agreement of 1938: the Approaches of the British Politics and Diplomacy 253-274
Science chronicle
- Oleg Mashevskyi. The European Integration Scholars and Studiers Forum (The International Scientific and Practical Conference «European Integration Processes in the XXIst Century: Key Trends, Basic Challenges and New Opportunities») 275-282
Information about the authors 283-285