European Integration: Past and Present
- Rina Banti. Thatcher‘s government immigration policy as an example of national priorities maintenance in view of European Union 6-25
- Alla Kyrydon. European identity: structuring of the semantic space 26-53
- Dmytro Lakishyk. The key factors of european caution towards american interventionism 54-68
- Andrey Martynov. Pan’ Europe of Richard Kudenhov-Kalergi and establishment of process of european integration 69-91
- Eugene Safar’yans. Austria in the European Union 92-102
- Bogdana Sypko. “European Europe” by Charles de Gaulle (based on phonograms of official statements) 103-117
- Sergey Tolstov. EU enlargement process in historical retrospective 118-136
- Vyacheslav Tsivatiy. Institutional, political and diplomatic experience of the european integration of Estonia (1991 – 2015) 137-160
Actual problems of European history and international relations
- Natalia Horodnya. Antanta nations‘ negotiations with Ukrainian People‘s Republic in late 1917 – early 1918 161-176
- Yana Zolotaryova. US participation discussions on human rights in the CSCE (1975 – 1985) 177-187
- Artem Koshelev. The legimitization of the subjectivity of the historian in the European and american postmodern theory of historical research 188-199
- Oleg Kupchik. Democratic states and soviet republics of post russian imperial space in establishment of official relations with Soviet Ukraine in 1919 – 1923 200-215
- Oleg Mashevskyy, Valeriy Chernyaev. US-British naval cooperation in the First World War 216-230
- Iryna Tatarko. Bulgarian village Izmail region of USSR during collectivization (second half of 40 – 50-ies. XX century) 231-242
- Larisa Zarichnyak. Violence and the UPA Woman: Experiences and Influences 243-267
Information about the authors 268-269