The world community support in the becoming of sovereignty of Ukraine on Donbas: forms, expenses and opportunities

Dmytro Lakishyk

PhD (History), Senior Research Fellow, Institute of World History of the National Academy of Science of Ukraine

UDС 327 (477)



The article examines the forms of support for the international community of Ukraine in restoring its sovereignty in Donbas. The current achievements and further perspectives in the settlement of the conflict in eastern Ukraine have been analyzed. It is noted that Russian aggression on the territory of Ukraine has shaken the foundations of the European security system and has shown outdated approaches and ineffective mechanisms of functioning of international security structures.

It is alleged that at the initial stages of the conflict in the east of the Ukrainian state, the world community has demonstrated its solidarity with Ukraine. A number of countries have formed an informal association in support of the independence and territorial integrity of the Ukrainian state (over 30 countries have entered; international organizations are Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, etc.; military-political unions – NATO, EU, PACE, OSCE, etc.; financial and economic institutions – IMF, EBRD, World Bank, etc.).

It is noted that the introduction of UN peacekeepers in order to stabilize the situation in the east of Ukraine is currently at the stage of the project and is directly related to the urgency of reforming the imperfect system of functioning of the international organization. Instead, active non-military international support (political, economic, humanitarian, etc.) of Ukraine by the international community is now quite effective and efficient.


Ukraine, Russian Federation, the war on Donbas, sovereignty, international security system, international organizations.

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