Evolution of de Gaulle’s foreign policy concept in activity of Nicolas Sarkozy

Alexei Grishel

Graduate Student, Republican Institute of Higher Education, Minsk, Republic of Belarus

UDС 94(44)087

DOI http://doi.org/10.17721/2524-048X.2016.05.64-77


The article touches upon an important issue of the evolution of de Gaulle’s foreign policy concept during the presidency of N.Sarkozy. Positions of C.de Gaulle and N.Sarkozy on foreign policy have been examined and compared. Theauthor concludes that N.Sarkozy, as head of France, followed the principles of C.de Gaulle in his foreign-policy activities. However, the global economic crisis, thegrowing French people’s discontent with immigrants, the problem of further development of the EU has led to the necessity of acting intuitively, given the impossibility of using the de Gaulle’s principles and ideas under the new circumstances.


Charles de Gaulle, foreign policy, gaullism, Nicolas Sarkozy, european integration.

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