The Problem of the Precession of the Simulacrums and the Medium in Shaping the Appraisal Reactions Towards the Moscow Show Trials (1936-1938) in the Western Media

Ihor Rymar

Post-graduate student, Mykhailo Drahomanov National Pedagogical University, Kyiv

UDС 94(470+571)”1936/1938”:316.485.26]:659



The article is based on the analysis of documentary and monographic literature that characterizes a period of the show trials and the Great Terror of 1936-1938 in Soviet Union. The concept of the French postmodernist, philosopher J. Baudrillard about the precession of the simulacrums and the idea of the medium has been used as a basis of the investigation. Using an integrated approach to the problem, the article reveals the decisive influence of J. Stalin and his clique on the nature of the coverage of the Moscow show trials of 1936-1938 by Soviet and foreign media. The significance of the First Moscow show trials in the matter of the further fabricating cases against the “old Bolsheviks” who stood in the opposition to J. Stalin has been disclosed. The role and place of the Soviet and Western media in the process of relaying to the West European information space the Stalin version of the show trials has been determined. Thus, it is revealed that the media has been directly influencing upon the perception of the trials and formation of appraisal reactions to these events by the West European socium.

Key words

Precession, simulacrum, medium, media, show trials, Great Terror.

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