J de Maistre social and political doctrine in the implementation of the russian imperial line (late XVIII – early XIX centuries)

Zhanna Ischenko

Ph. D. (History), Senior Lecturer of Department of source criticism and auxiliary sciences of history, Institute of historical education, National Pedagogic Mykhailo Dragomanov University

UDС 94 (4) (44) (470-571) “ХVІІІ/ХІХ”

DOI http://doi.org/10.17721/2524-048X.2016.03.57-69

Socio-political doctrine of J. de Maistre is studied in the article. The influence of the French emigration factor in the development of the Russian imperial ideology during the late XVIII – early XIX has been analyzed. It is stressed on the importance of J. de Maistre educational concepts for solving personnel problems of the Russian government.


Socio-political doctrine, Jean de Maistre, Russia.

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