Pan‘ Europe of Richard Kudenhov-Kalergi and establishment of process of european integration

Andrey Martynov

Sc. D. (History), senior researcher of international relations and foreign policy of Ukraine National Academy of Sciences Institute of History

UDС 329.12-436


The article is devoted to activity of Austrian politics of Richard Kudenhov-Kalergi in the process of launching European integration. In a period between First world war and Second world war of Kudenhov-Kalergi initiated creation of Pan’ Europe project of the motion called to bring the peace and partnership to Europe. At the life of Kudenhov-Kalergi there is a lucky enough to see the first results of realization of his idea of forming of the «United State of Europe». Political biography of Kudenhov-Kalergi shows a role of personality in the history of European integration.


Kudenhov-Kalergi, Pan’ Europe, European integration, United State of Europe.

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