Andrey Martynov
Sc. D. (History), senior researcher of international relations and foreign policy of Ukraine National Academy of Sciences Institute of History
UDС 329.12-436
The article is devoted to activity of Austrian politics of Richard Kudenhov-Kalergi in the process of launching European integration. In a period between First world war and Second world war of Kudenhov-Kalergi initiated creation of Pan’ Europe project of the motion called to bring the peace and partnership to Europe. At the life of Kudenhov-Kalergi there is a lucky enough to see the first results of realization of his idea of forming of the «United State of Europe». Political biography of Kudenhov-Kalergi shows a role of personality in the history of European integration.
Kudenhov-Kalergi, Pan’ Europe, European integration, United State of Europe.
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