Andriy Martynov
DSc (History), Professor, Leading Research Fellow, International Relations History and Foreign Policy Division, NASU Institute of History of Ukraine
UDС 327.062.1
The article deals with the problem of developing the European Union’s identity. The confirmation of the hypothesis can be considered as an argument for the necessity to interpret the European identity in the context of an imagined community. The ideas of developing the European Union’s identity as a joint national identity of the EU member-states which are differently engaged in the global post-industrial economy, interpreted the EU and their relations therewith in many ways, served as the theoretical background of the article. Therefore, these member-states possessed substantively divergent national identities.
The expansion in the range of issues which did not require the unanimous approval of the EU member-states but solely by voting after the principle of qualified 50 majority was to promote the enforced cooperation between the EU member-states. These vectors were chosen due to the changes on the international arena which occurred during the researched period of time and echoed rather in the abovementioned areas than in the economic policy, since the state received the freedom of action in the search of a new balance of powers. Besides, the EU institutions governing the common foreign and security policy and the European defense remained weak even after the Maastricht treaty has been revised and the Amsterdam treaty has been signed. The monetary union serves in the capacity of an identity instrument of the EU. The multi-ethnic identity represents the feature of the migration processes in the European Union
The European Union, European Integration, European Identity, common foreign and security policy, monetary union, migration
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