Thatcher‘s government immigration policy as an example of national priorities maintenance in view of European Union

Rina Banti

PhD (History), a Methodist-curator of HEPHCIBA, Department of External Relations and UNESCO, Ministry of Education in Israel, Jerusalem, and the college lecturer teaching “Shaanan” in Haifa

UDС 94(410)


This article analyses the unique features of M. Thatcher’s government approach in the area of national legislation aimed at reduction of colour immigration from former British colonies to the UK in view of the EU general requirements on ‘open-door’ policy development for the member-states. The article also highlights ‘new’ measures taken by the Conservatives especially the deportation and the illegal immigration fight directed towards the protection of the British national priorities in spite of the government’s obligations in the framework of the EU legislation.


Colour immigration, the British Commonwealth of Nations, citizenship, Conservatives, Great Britain, M. Thatcher, the European Union, ‘open-door’ policy, illegal immigration, deportation.

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