Zinaida Svyaschenko
DSc (History), Professor, General History Department, Pavlo Tychyna State Pedagogical University of Uman
UDС 94(73+4) «1945/1970»
DOI http://doi.org/10.17721/2524-048X.2016.05.51-63
The article аnalyses the US’ position on the idea of creating the united Europe within the context of the events of the “cold war”. For many years after the Second World War promoting the European integration was one of the important areas of the American foreign policy. An important role in this process belonged to the “Marshall Plan”, which showed support for the ideas of the European unification and forced the leaders of the Western countries to consider the practical steps for their implementation, supported by Washington. Particular attention is paid to NATO, the formation of which was a joint project of the United States and Europe. This organization had globalized and deepened the economic liasions of the countries, and so they became sustainable partners in the most important areas of their cooperation. It was a pledge of stable contacts and coordination on the major 63 issues, which provided guarantees to the both sides. To reinsure its interests, The US started addressing to Europe, appealing to the equal partnership, knowingly claiming to gaining the unquestionable leadership. It is concluded that the renaissance of some European structures by means of the United States’ aid would put the countries of the region in the distinct dependence. Later, economically strong and integrated Western Europe would act as a partner for a global political leader – the United States, without claiming to be an equal partner that develops within the limits set by the USA. That is why the Western Europe faced a difficult choice of integration during this period. All the further actions taken by the European leaders were focused on the possibility of independent planning and subsequent conduct of their internal policies.
European integration, “cold war”, economic restoration, the Atlantic partnership, foreign policy.
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