Violence and the UPA Woman: Experiences and Influences

Larisa Zarichnyak

Applicant of historical faculty Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University

UDС 94 (477)


The Second World War in Ukraine cast the women of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army into a very different role. They were active members of the UPA and established their own roles within the insurgency. They also became active targets of the Soviet, German and Polish regimes in their fight against the UPA due to their visibility and because the men were already part of the Ukrainian underground. The regimes used different types of violence toward the UPA women because they had different end goals for them. The women however, established their own identities through their activity in the UPA and through the violence that was perpetrated against them.


Second World War, Ukraine, Ukrainian Insurgent Army, women, gender violence, oral history, Soviet Union.

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