Svitlana Motruk
PhD in History, Associate Professor
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine
УДК 94:314.15(=161.2):437.3]”20″
On the basis of a large variety of documents and materials the article analyses the preconditions, main stage and consequences of the Ukrainian migration to the Czech Republic during the period of European integration. The article defines the problems of the migration and the prospects for its development in the 21st century. The author emphasises globalization, world conditions, scientific and technological progress, specialization of markets at regional level, social and public labor potential as the key factors of labor mobility, as well as geopolitical and geocultural factors, that changes people’s world outlook in the context of information society. The study focuses on the main reasons for migration from Ukraine to Czech Republic (relatively stable and positive situation in the Czech economy in comparison to the Ukrainian, position in the labor market, the cultural and linguistic similarities, the long history of mutual migration processes). In addition, the author points out at a number of the modern trends of the migration (the quantitative growth of migrant workers and students in absolute numbers as well as in percentage, the growing number of Ukrainians with the Czech residence permit, the transformation of the social structure of migrants, permanent illegal employment). The changes in the migration policy of the Czech Republic after accession to the EU, its political and social context, positive and negative effects, the contents of the so-called «Ukraine Project» and «Ukraine Mode» are examined. The growing impact of the Ukrainian migrants on the development of the Czech economy and society is underlined. The article identifies of the modern migration as a phenomenon, which is being institutionalized and which transforms from a traditional social movement into a structured social organism (diaspora, network of national public associations, infrastructure of the migration services market, etc.), and thus into the subject and instrument of regulation of the people’s economic activity. Some aspects of the Ukrainian diaspora life in Czech Republic are considered.
Key words: euro-integration, Ukrainian migration, migrant workers, student mobility, diaspora, Czech Republic, migration policy.
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