Popularization of European Values as a Task of the European Union Cultural Policy in Ukraine

Olesia Zvezdova


Department of International Relations and Foreign policy

Petro Mohyla Black Sea National University, Mykolaiv, Ukraine.

UDC 327(4)

DOI: http://doi.org/10.17721/2524-048X.2020.15.3

This article deals with the main features of European values and their importance for the process of common European identity forming. The essence and main functions of the EU cultural policy, its peculiarities are formulated. The author describes the place of European values among the basic principles of the cultural policy of the European Union. According to sociological polls, these values are close to Ukrainian society but do not associate with the European Union as a single community and do not contribute to the formation of European identity. The main functions of the EU’s cultural policy are promotion and dissemination of European values through cultural events, grants and tourism.

Approaches to common European values defining are analyzed, their degrees are structured. The author identifies the following basic European values: fundamental rights, including rights of communities and families; equality of all members of society, including minorities and regardless of gender; pluralism of thoughts; justice; self-realization; responsibility; unity; peace; respect for human life; democracy; legality; freedom of personality (freedom of expression, freedom of speech, freedom of the media); tolerance; solidarity; respect for human dignity; religion. The main differences between the European values and the common Western ones are emphasized.

The main ways of raising awareness and mechanisms for promoting European values among the Ukrainian population are summarized. But the formation of a new value system is impossible without the participation of the state and its institutions. It is concluded that the formation of a new value system will have a consolidating effect on the Ukrainian people. Therefore, the promotion of European values should become not only a task for EU cultural policy, but also a top priority for the Ukrainian authorities.

Keywords: European Union, cultural policy, human rights, European values, European integration.

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