The involvement of UNESCO and international non-profit organizations in preserving historical memory and cultural heritage in Pakistan

Pavlo Chutkyi

PhD Student

«Institute of World History National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine»

Kyiv, Ukraine


Abstract.The article deals with the review of historical memory of Pakistan. The historiography of different aspects of historical heritage and history of Pakistan are analyzed. The author examines the cooperation between the government of Pakistan and UNESCO. The author describes the features of functioning of oral history of Pakistan and most popular non-governmental organizations, which study historical heritage of this country.

In order to build a successful modern state, it is necessary to pay particular attention to the specifics of the formation of historical memory, as it is designed to perform the creative function of nation-building, as it also serves as an indicator of socio-economic development in a particular country. A review of such practices on using the example of Pakistan demonstrates the importance of an active government dialogue with international organizations on issues related to the preservation of historical and cultural heritage.

The analysis of the state of research and preservation of tangible and intangible cultural heritage of Pakistan allows us to distinguish several levels of study of this problem area. These are, first and foremost, the regulatory mechanisms of the Pakistani authorities, which cooperate with UNESCO on the issues related to the inclusion of Pakistani historical sites to the UNESCO World Heritage List. Other important public institutions, that preserve and disseminate historical memory together with the government, include the Heritage Foundation of Pakistan, the Khairpur Heritage Centre, and the 1947 Partition Archive. These institutions deal with the preservation of cultural heritage, historical monuments and the development of oral history in Pakistan.

Studying the experience of interpreting the past and the policy of preserving cultural and historical heritage in such an internally unstable state as Pakistan will aid to understand the level of interaction between state, public and international institutions in addressing this issue.

Key words: historical memory, historical and cultural heritage, UNESCO, politics of memory, academic institutions, NGOs.

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