Before the great journey: Plast in Germany in the second half of the 1940s

Tetiana Perga

PhD (History), senior researcher

State Institution “Institute of World History Of National Academy of Science of Ukraine”

Kyiv, Ukraine

ORCID: 0000-0002-8725-3451


Abstract. This article examines the revival of the Ukrainian youth organization Plast in Germany in the first years after World War II. The reasons for this process have been studied. It was found that the establishing of Plast groups in di-pi camps was a spontaneous process, so Union of Ukrainian Plast Emigrants – SUPE was revived for the management of these activities and preventing of moral and physical degradation of Ukrainians. Number of meetings of the organization took place in 1946-1948 under its leadership. The most important were following: the Congress in Karlsfeld in April 1946, the meeting in Mittenwald in July 1947, and the First Ideological Plast Congress held in Ashschaffenburg in March 1948. The organizational and ideological background of Plast’ activities in the first postwar decades were adopted during these meetings.

The article analyzes the ideas on the Educational Ideal of the Young Ukrainian and the principles of building further organization’ activities, in particular: apoliticalness, catholicity, acceptance of youth and senior Ukrainians without distinction of an origin and religion, using the ideas of world scouting and readiness to cooperate with other scout organizations, attention to the essence and spirit of the Plast idea and the development of propaganda among “ours”, and “of that which is not”. It was found that the 35th anniversary of the Plast establishment was celebrated in 1947–1948. However meetings of this period were dedicated not only to the summing up of the activities since its establishing. Given the fact that they took place on the eve of the mass resettlement of Ukrainians to other countries – the United States, Canada, Australia, etc., they aimed at developing the main directions of activities of the Plast members in emigration. The article explores the main achievements of the Congress held in 1948 under the slogan “On a further journey to the great purpose”.  It is concluded that they were following: the election of the Main Plast Council headed by Plast Head (known as “Nachalniy Plastun”) Severin Levitsky, discussion of external and internal environment in the countries of new living and short-term prospects of this “journey”.

Keywords: Plast, SUPE, Germany, di-pi, emigration, Ukrainians.

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