Ukrainian amateur theatre in Ukrainian POWs camp Wetzlar, Germany (Autumn 1915 – Winter 1917)

Ihor Sribnyak

Doctor of Sciences (History), Professor

Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University

Kyiv, Ukraine

ORCID: 0000-0001-9750-4958


Milana Sribniak

Bachelor of History

Student of the Master Program (Faculty of History),

Taras Shevchenko National University

Kyiv, Ukraine

ORCID: 0000-0003-1353-3001


Viktor Schneider

Bachelor of Arts (History)

Student Assistant Historical Institute Faculty of Historical and Cultural Studies Justus Liebig University

Giessen, Germany

ORCID: 0000-0003-0246-2666


Abstract. The article covers specifics of Ukrainian amateur theatre functioning in the camp Wetzlar (Germany) throughout autumn 1915 – winter 1917. Its activity became possible thanks to the creation of the Mykola Lysenko Music and Drama Society which maintained the technical side of theatre production, casted plays, appointed stage directors, and was responsible for stage property and necessary stage sets. Delegated council of the society ensured financial income of the camp theatre by accumulating earned money from each performance and allocating sums for assistance to actors and other society members.

Music and Drama Society worked in close rapport with leaders of Ukrainian camp organization and members of the Educational Department of the Union for the Liberation of Ukraine (ULU) in Wetzlar camp. Their full-fledged support ensured successful development of the folk theatre to a considerable degree during the initial phase of its activity. Thanks to these aspects, it became possible to establish and develop the activity of the camp choir as well as brass and string bands, which joined the aforementioned society based on a self-regulated organization. Theatrical performances accomplished high artistic and realistic levels of depiction.

Therefore, the activity of the camp theatre enabled intensification of forming Ukrainian prisoners’ of war (POWs) national identity. Each time folk music and song concerts and performances of Ukrainian playwrights’ theatrical pieces awakened bright memories about Motherland among Ukrainian POWs, as well as served as a powerful method of their patriotic upbringing that supplemented the activity of educational courses and various groups that consequently enabled to raise a considerable cohort of Ukrainian citizens devoted to the Motherland.

Keywords: theatre, performance, stage play, drama, comedy, amateur actor, Music and Drama Society, Wetzlar camp, Germany.

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