Vasyl Yablonskyi
PhD (History), Associate Professor
The National Institute for Strategic Studies
Kyiv, Ukraine
ORCID: 0000-0002-2998-7203
Abstract. In the article author reviews ideological approaches and practical application of the “sobornist” of Ukraine concept by the State Center of Ukrainian People’s Republic (UNR) in exile. The views of leadership of the Ukrainian government in exile about “sobornist” are examined in the context of their debates with the emigrant political opponents and rivals in the occupied territories. Despite different conceptions of restoring Ukraine’s independence in the future, the UNR government’s emigration center was united in the idea that Ukraine would be consolidated into one state only when the Ukrainian government established control over Kyiv and the Dnieper region. Ideas of restoring independence of certain regions were considered unrealistic and harmful.
The obstacle in establishing cooperation between the State Center of UNR and various political groups, including regional ones, was the consequences of the signing of the 1920 Warsaw Pact by the Directory of the UNR.
The author also looks at the policies of the State Center of UNR in the international arena toward protection of rights of the Ukrainians during “pacification” in Poland (1930) and emergence of the Carpathian Ukraine (1938-1939).
It is argued that reframing the concept of “sobornist” of Ukraine in the process of restoring Ukraine’s independence was a complex endeavor, which hindered consolidation of the emigrant Ukrainian parties in the years between two world wars.
Key words: sobornist, State Center of Ukrainian People’s Republic in exile, Symon Petliura, League of Nations, “pacification” policy, Carpathian Ukraine.
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