Oleh Kupchyk,

Ph.D. (History), Associate Professor,

Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine




Abstract. It was found that the «Ukrainian student community» at the University of Derpt was founded in October 1905 during the revolutionary events in the country. Its official name became the «Musical and Dramatic Society of Minor Russian Students». Contributors to the Rada newspaper called it the «Society of Ukrainian Students at Dorpat University». At the time of formation, 55 Ukrainian students joined the community. It had its own management and structure – commissions (library, scientific, drama, etc.), as well as a mutual aid fund.

«Ukrainian Student Community» at Derpt University periodically organized and held «Ukrainian events». During these evenings, students gave popular scientific reports on Ukrainian studies, recited poems by Ukrainian poets, performed plays, sang Ukrainian songs, and danced Ukrainian folk dances. These evenings were held during the «Shevchenko days», in memory of Mykola Lysenko, Lesya Ukrainka, Ivan Franko. Students collected funds during literary, musical and artistic evenings. They directed the collected funds to the organization of events, the purchase of Ukrainian books for the library, as well as to the monument to Taras Shevchenko.

Among the problems in the activity at the beginning of the 20th century of the «Ukrainian student community» at the University of Derpt were the frequent lack of funds, the periodic lack of its own premises, the gradual decrease in the number of members of the community due to the decrease in the number of Ukrainians among the students of the University of Derpt due to the ban on graduates of the local theological seminary to enter the university.

In general, the work of the «Ukrainian student community» at the University of Derpt was aimed at promoting Ukrainian culture and preserving the ethnic identity of Ukrainians. It became an integral element of «Ukrainian life» in the Baltics, which, in turn, was a component of the Ukrainian national movement against which the Russian government fought.

Keywords: library, Ukrainian event, newspaper, report, charter, student, community.


Submitted 17.03.2023



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