Genesis and implementation of the European Union’s policy in the Middle East

Andrii Martynov

DoS (History), Professor, Senior Research Fellow, History of the International Relations and Foreign Policy of Ukraine Department, Institute of History of Ukraine, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

UDС 327.8.32(53)



The paper analyses the specifics of process of genesis and implementation of the EU policy in the Middle East. After the end of the “cold war”, the region has become the priority for eco-friendly, security and social and cultural interests of the EU member states. The problem of the Arab-Israeli reconciliation lies in the center of the Middle East policy of the EU. Thus, the models of peaceful settlement based on peace in exchange for land failed to have been implemented. The Palestinian question remains a marker of the effectiveness of the EU policy in the Middle East. The regional alignment of forces changed under the influence of the events of the “Arab Spring”. The war in Syria has challenged European security. The Middle East is now facing a protracted process of geopolitical transformation. The region remains an arena of geopolitical confrontation between the great powers: China, India, Russia, the USA and Japan. The complex regional hierarchy of forces is dynamic. The challenge for regional and global security is the Iranian nuclear program. The EU criticizes the administration of the US president, Donald Trump, who canceled the 2015 agreement with Iran on the development of peaceful nuclear energy. The purpose of the EU policy in the Middle East is to prevent the radicalization of political climate. This might help the EU to avoid terrorist threat and modernize the societies of the Muslim countries of the Middle East.


Arab Spring, Middle East, European Union, Israel, Islam, Syria, USA, Turkey.

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