European historical studies: theoretical and conceptual aspects

Andriy Martynov

Dr. habil. (History), Professor, Senior Research Fellow, History of the International Relations and Foreign Policy of Ukraine Department, Institute of History of Ukraine, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

UDС 327.82.061.1



The article deals with the problems of conceptualizing the European historical studies. The special role of a stage by stage solution in a so-called «social approach» on the way to all-rounded humanization of state-forming strategies of European nations and of the system of European international relations in general is being underlined. The emphasis is laid on the historical role of the common European values. It is also accentuated that decisive factor to achieve success in joining the space of European unity is in integrity of understanding the ideals of Freedom and Justice. Since internal and external components of European freedom and justice are so closely intertwined, their separate interpretation, in author’s opinion, has no epistemological perspective whatsoever. The stable economic prosperity and social progress are becoming more dependent on the global economic situation. At the same time, social protection of citizens in a number of countries, as well as the authority thereof in the contemporary world fully depends on the moral and ethic maturity of the elites, the level of confidence in society, the general level of culture and the rate of individual responsibility of citizens for their future. The issues abovementioned acquire special meaning under the modern-day circumstances of sharpening the geopolitical competition concerning Ukraine. The contemporary financial and migration crisis of the EU only enhances the influence of the social factor on the collective consciousness of «old» and «new» Europeans, frequently engendering rather dangerous tendencies in European life.


European historical researches, European Union, theories of European integration, conceptualization and problems of European integration, political system of European Union.

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