Common foreign and security policy of European Union: basic stage of development

Andrei Martynov

Sc. D. (History), senior researcher of international relations and foreign policy of Ukraine National Academy of Sciences Institute of History

UDС 327.7-328


In the article the basic are examined the stage of becoming of common foreign and security policy of European Union. A criterion for a division into periods is a normative-legal base of common foreign and security policy of European Union and loud speaker of changes of the modern system of international relations. First stage is from Maastricht to Lissabon Treaty characterized by registration of Structures accountable for this aspect of the European integration. The second stage is begun with the world economic crisis of 2008. Actuality is a search of more effective forms of realization the common foreign and security policy of European Union.


Globalization, European integration, European Union, common foreign and security policy, Russia, Ukraine.

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