Jurij Latysh
Ph. D. (History), Associate Professor of Department of Ukrainian history for humanitarian faculties, historical faculty, Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University
UDС 94(73):329.14:324“2015/2016”Сандерс
DOI http://doi.org/10.17721/2524-048X.2016.04.161-175
The article deals with the campaign of Senator B. Sanders for the nomination for the post of President of the United States Democratic Party, analyzes the causes of the rapid growth in popularity of socialist ideas among young people and Democrats, highlights the challenges faced by the only senator-socialist. With the departure of the past stereotypes of the Cold War in the United States there has been a change of attitude towards socialism. Among young people aged 18-29 support socialism than capitalism support. The basis of his election program Sanders put the request “political revolution” in the US. It offers a choice between his progressive economic program that creates jobs, increases wages, protects the environment and provides medical care for all, and the conversion to US economic and political oligarchy. Despite a significant increase Sanders rating so far inferior to Clinton, who enjoys the support of the party establishment, party donors and “superdelegates”. However, in competition with Trump Sanders has a much better chance through an excellent reputation. Despite high ratings, the majority of voters do not believe Clinton Trump reliable and honest candidates. Sanders – one of the candidates who most respondents think good person.
The article has been written in March 2016 and reflects the situation at that time.
USA, election, primaries, caucus, socialist, political revolution, the Democratic Party.
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