Tetiana Kuznets,
Dr. habil. (History), Professor,
Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University, Uman, Ukraine
Vyacheslav Hordiyenko,
Ph.D. (History), Associate Professor,
Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University,Uman, Ukraine
DOI: https://doi.org/10.17721/2524-048X.2024.29.3
The article examines the political initiative of the European Union – the European Neighborhood Policy. The dynamics of relations between the EU member states and their neighbors have been monitored. The role of Poland in the perspective of further cooperation and potential expansion of the borders of economic interaction of neighboring EU countries is characterized. The documents and the European Neighborhood Policy Strategy were analyzed separately. The consolidating factor of Poland is singled out as an opportunity for Ukraine and Moldova to join the European Community, and for the EU to expand its economic borders and integrate new potential partners.
The purpose of the article is to analyze the cooperation of the European Union with potential partners who may become members of the European community in the future.
The main task of this article is to study the formation and development of the Eastern policy of the European Union on the example of Ukraine and Moldova.
Another important issue is the EU’s eastward expansion. It is hindered by the imperial ambitions of Russia, which considers Eastern Europe its sphere of influence and is ready by any means to stop the integration of these countries into Europe. Only Moscow’s intervention is delaying the further expansion of the EU’s economic borders. For a long time, the people of Ukraine and Moldova have been asking who is better: Russia or the EU? Here it is worth comparing the material situation of, for example, Poland and neighboring Moldova and Ukraine, and the choice will become obvious.
It was concluded that the European Neighborhood Policy is a rather effective mechanism for implementing the economic, social and political factors of the expansion of the EU borders to the East. Additionally, this initiative can serve as an incentive for modernization and further democratization of future member states. The main obstacle is the Russian Federation, which seeks to keep these countries in its orbit or to join Russia altogether. In the future, Europe must unite all possible efforts to confront this enemy of the democracies of the world.
Keywords: European Neighborhood Policy, Eastern Europe, European Union, Eastern Partnership, European integration, Moldova, Ukraine.
Submitted 25.05.2024
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