Volume 1
№1 (2015): European historical studies: scientific journal
UDC 94
ISSN 2524-048X
Issue DOI http://doi.org/10.17721/2524-048X.2015.01
European Integration: Past and Present
- Andrew Hrubinko. Participation of Great Britain in european political integration: between atlanticism and europeanism 6-17
- Natalia Guz. Socio-political realities of Ukraine as a basis of the cooperation with the Council of Europe 18-28
- Dmytro Lakishyk. Bipolarity effect on formation and development US european policy 29-42
- Andrei Martynov. Common foreign and security policy of European Union: basic stage of development 43-61
- Elena Petasyuk. Understanding of the european integration and euro-atlantic movement in the context of ukrainian strategy 62-76
- Ivan Primachenko. The European Economic Community’s sanctions against Argentine during the Falklands war 1982 77-91
- Eugene Safar’yans. Austrian path to European integration 92-101
- Olga Suhobokova. EU humanitarian assistance to Ukraine during the Russian aggression (2014 – the first half of 2015) 102-117
Actual problems of European history and international relations
- Yegor Braylyan. Emigration from Caribbean to Europe (1945 – 1980) 118-134
- Angelina Dobrovolska. Political transition of Moldova: reforms of post-soviet period 135-153
- Oleg Mashevskyy. European countries and the USA policy over ”Ottoman heritage” after the First World war 154-177
- Oksana Mitrofanova. Transatlantic Strategic partnership and crisis in Ukraine 178-189
- Victoria Pilkevich. The UNESCO’s policy in cultural sphere 190-199
- Larysa Zariczniak. Theoretical and Practical Motivations for Joining the Ukrainian Insurgent Army 200-226
- Andrey Martynov. Orlova T. Modern political history of World 227-229
Information about the authors 230-231
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