Andrii Martynov,
Dr. habil. (History), Professor,
Institute of History of Ukraine, NASU, Kyiv, Ukraine
The article is devoted to the analysis of the results of the 2024 European Parliament elections. The research methods correspond to the research task. This is a comparative method (provided an analysis of the positions of various political forces), a chronological method (made it possible to highlight the historical dynamics of the European Parliament elections in the first quarter of the 21st century), a statistical method (contributed to the demonstration of the dynamics of the results of the leading political forces that received representation in the Parliament). The scientific novelty of the study is determined by the analysis of the competition trends of liberal-conservative political forces, European skeptical political subjects, left and right populists. The result of the European Parliament elections showed a relative weakening of the centrist political forces. Conclusions. Populist diseases of liberal democracies are actively used by autocracies to discredit the democratic experience of political life. The process of development of European integration has reached a strategic dilemma. The first scenario of the development of events concerns the synchronous continuation of the qualitative filling of integration (the development of joint policies in the field of migration, the common market, the strengthening of the Monetary Union) and the expansion of the European Union to the Western Balkans, Moldova, and Ukraine. An alternative scenario of the evolution of the European Union concerns the rejection of the rapid accession of the candidate countries, the introduction of stricter migration policy rules. The European Union remains a liberal political project. The political strengthening of European skeptics is due to the slowdown in the development of the leading economies of the EU member states and means the intensification of political competition. The European Parliament of the 2024-2029 convocation is the arena of such a political struggle, which determines the medium-term prospects of the European integration process.
Key words: European integration, European Union, European Parliament, European skeptics, liberalism, conservatism, populism.
Submitted 20.08.2024
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