Taras Batenko,
Ph.D. (Political Science), Associate Professor,
Member of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine





This article explores the interconnection between the blast furnace revolution, the Hundred Years’ War, and the onset of the Little Ice Age in Western Europe during the 14th and 15th centuries. It analyzes how innovations in blast furnace technology during this period significantly transformed metallurgical production, which in turn had far-reaching economic and social consequences. The first aspect addressed is the blast furnace revolution, which represents a transition from traditional metal production methods to new technologies that dramatically increased productivity and reduced iron manufacturing costs. This had significant implications for military affairs and the economy, as the growth in metal production supported the strengthening of armies. The second aspect examines the impact of the Hundred Years’ War on social and political processes in Western Europe. The war not only stimulated technological development but also altered political boundaries and created new economic and social conditions. The article analyzes how the increase in iron production influenced warfare and military strategies of the time. The third aspect considers the onset of the Little Ice Age and its impact on climate conditions in Europe. The Little Ice Age caused severe changes in the agricultural sector, leading to reduced crop yields, famine, and social upheaval. The article investigates how the colder climate affected economic stability and social life in the context of the existing military and technological changes. Combining historical documents, contemporary research, and archival data, the article provides a comprehensive approach to understanding how these three factors interacted and shaped social, economic, and political processes in Western Europe during the 14th and 15th centuries. It highlights the impact of technological and climatic changes on society, emphasizing how the complex interaction between technological innovations, military conflicts, and climatic conditions defined this historical period.

Keywords: blast furnace, cast iron, Hundred Years’ War, history of Western Europe, history of France, Little Ice Age.

Submitted 15.07.2024



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