Svitlana Motruk,
Ph.D (History), Associate Professor,
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine
Abstract. Based on a wide range of sources, the article analyzes the Czech Republic’s policy towards Ukrainian forced migrants in the context of the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine, its features, key factors and dynamics of development. It is emphasized that during the war, this Central European country proved to be one of Ukraine’s best allies, consistently demonstrating comprehensive support in the international arena, in the political, military and humanitarian spheres. It has accepted a large number of war refugees, offered them financial assistance, housing, jobs, medical insurance, the opportunity to continue their children’s education, and successfully coped with the largest wave of refugees in its history, becoming the third country by the number of migrants accepted. The article examines changes in migration policy in light of new challenges, its political and social context, positive and negative effects, and the essence of the draft law Lex Ukrajina I-V (five versions), which regulates the mechanism of temporary protection and the refugee support system. The author emphasizes the important role of public associations and Ukrainian-language media, which were established in the Czech Republic and significantly facilitate the stay of Ukrainians in a foreign country, assist in initial orientation and adaptation. It covers the legal status, integration potential and problems Ukrainian migrants face in everyday life, as well as the prospects of their return to their homeland. The author emphasizes the increasingly important role of Ukrainians in the development of the Czech economy and society. Based on the analysis of research conducted by Czech scholars, the article examines the attitude of Czech citizens to the development of the situation in Ukraine, the actions of the authorities regarding the Ukrainian issue and anti-Russian sanctions. The author notes a fairly high level of public solidarity but at the same time a gradual decline in its readiness to support Ukraine against the background of a permanent decline in sympathy for Russians and antipathy for Ukrainians.
Keywords: Czech Republic, Ukraine, Ukrainian refugees, forced migrants, migration policy, temporary protection, humanitarian aid.
Submitted 11.04.2023
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