Oleh Poshedin,

Ph.D. (History), Associate Professor,

The State Institution «Institute of World History of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine», Kyiv, Ukraine





This article examines the role of the Eastern Partnership in the European Union’s Common Foreign and Security Policy, both for the Eastern Partnership member states and the European Union itself. The article considers the agenda of the Eastern Partnership after 2020.

It has been established that sustainability is the foundation of the Eastern Partnership, and cooperation will be carried out under five flagship goals. Additionally, ten main tasks were identified, which, along with the flagship goals, will contribute to the implementation of the Eastern Partnership’s tasks.

Also, it has been established that the Eastern Partnership plays a crucial role in the EU’s Common Foreign and Security Policy. This initiative was not entirely successful. Belarus suspended its participation in this policy and took part in the aggression against Ukraine. The Eastern Partnership policy did not contribute to the peaceful resolution of disputes between Azerbaijan and Armenia. At the same time, this policy played an essential role in supporting political, economic, and sociocultural reforms in the participating countries to strengthen stability and democracy in the region and form the closest trade ties with the EU. The Eastern Partnership combined the differentiation and inclusiveness of the participating countries. On the one hand, it made it possible to develop relations according to each partner’s interests, ambitions, and progress. The European Union has identified specific flagship initiatives for each state, indicating a balanced individual approach to its partners. On the other hand, the effort aimed at creating the proper prerequisites for joint efforts to promote regional cooperation and implement sustainable development policies.

The Eastern Partnership is equally important for the European Union itself. The stability of the neighbors’ economy and society directly affects the European Union’s security, promotes trade development, and has a positive impact on the migration situation in the EU member states, thus increasing the stability of the European Union.

It is proposed to determine the priority directions of Ukraine’s cooperation with the EU within the framework of the Eastern Partnership, taking into account the consequences of this initiative of a full-scale Russian invasion of our country and Ukraine’s obtaining the status of a candidate for EU membership.

Keywords: The European Union, EU foreign policy, The Eastern Partnership, flagman policy objectives, top ten targets.

Submitted 15.08.2024



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