Liliіa Ivanytska,

Ph.D. (History), Associate Professor,

Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine





The purpose of the article is to study the Ukrainian context in Vasyl Kurylyk’s artworks through the prism of his socio-historical coordinate system (origin, environment, psychological and mental state, formation of aesthetic artistic foundations, foci of creative formation).
Research methods are applied on the basis of an anthropocentric approach, focusing on the personality of Vasyl Kurylyk and his literary (autobiography, explanations of paintings) and painting works. The author used principles and methods of historical-anthropological research in combination with biographical, iconographic, historical-analytical, figurative and stylistic methods.
The scientific novelty of the research lies in the fact that the author of the article analyzes the works of Vasyl Kurylyk, which have a clearly expressed Ukrainian vector. As a result of the research, the author concludes a powerful Ukrainian foundation in Vasyl Kurylyk’s consciousness and self-identification which was formed thanks to the stories of his parents, research and the significant influence of the Ukrainian diaspora in Canada. It was reflected in the artist’s works, which have a Ukrainian vector.
The artist’s autobiography gives us a clear signal about the artist’s indifferent attitude towards the country of origin of his ancestors. Interest in Ukrainian history, ethnography, literature, folklore, traditional Ukrainian customs and rites is reflected in a large number of works of Vasyl Kurylyk. While studying these works one might understand how acutely the topic of origin and reasons for parents’ emigration was experienced by the artist. Apparently, Vasyl Kurylyk tried to find answers to questions related to Old Country all his life. After his two visits to Ukraine at the end of his life he partially completed the puzzle of his perception of Ukrainian realities and hidden meanings. In our opinion, the main idea he wanted to express through his works with the Ukrainian vector is the statement that Ukrainians have never lost their identity and regardless of the troubles that happened to them, they always remained a part of the multicultural Canadian community.
Vasyl Kurylyk, Ukrainian diaspora, emigrants, Canada, art, multiculturalism, identification.

Submitted 23.06.2024



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