Quo vadis, dear EU? (The evolution of european security strategies approaches in the changing European Union)

Victoria Vdovychenko

Dr. habil. (Philosophy), Professor, Historical-Philosophical Faculty, Kyiv Borys Grinchenko University

UDС: 94 (4): 327.7

DOI http://doi.org/10.17721/2524-048X.2018.09.6-20


Nowadays European Union is facing challenges of immigration, the threat of radicalization, downturns in the fiscal and monetary policies, as well as the discussions on how to build bridges with the UK after Brexit. Such concerns are crucial for understanding the EU’s political and economic landscape, shaping global security issues as well.

The article attempts to analyze the circumstances favoring the implementation of the EU’s Global Strategy that served to be strategic reality-checks upon how to bring stability and security to Europe. It shapes the period from the origins of the European security strategies till the new era of the EU presented by EU Global Strategy in 2016.
The article questions weather the political will is deeply essential for the EU to remain solid tackling economic and political challenges. Therefore, the article is divided in two parts, namely: 1) the evolution of the EU security strategies; 2) the hybrid challenges for Europe shaped by EU Global Strategy.

It is concluded that the EU should perceive the concept of the adaptability as pivotal in order to find credible and fit-for-purpose solutions and create the full-fledged EU Global Strategy. The latter still needs to be adapted to the civilian and integrated capabilities in order to become a real global strategy.

Key words

European Union, the EU Global Strategy, hybrid challenges, integration, security.

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