Mariia Georgieva
PhD in History, Associate Professor
National University of Transport
Kyiv, Ukriane
UDC 94(497.2):338+330
Given the current state of European integration processes in Ukraine, a comprehensive study of the historical conditions of the reform processes in agriculture that took place in Bulgaria is urgent, which will help analyze the problems and determine the prospects for its development on the path to integration into the European economic space.
In this paper, a systematic approach is applied, which consists in a comprehensive study of the mechanism of state regulation of the development of the agrarian sector of the economy as a whole with the harmonized functioning of all its components. In addition, the methods used at the empirical and theoretical levels were applied, namely: comparative analysis – to study the methodological approaches, concepts, developments and proposals of leading domestic and foreign scientists on the features of state regulation of the development of the agrarian sector of the Bulgarian economy.
After more than ten years of participation in the European agricultural community, Bulgarian agriculture continued to seek its place in this country in the conditions of increasing competitive environment and dynamic conditions. According to the available statistics, it can be concluded that it has developed unbalanced, not taking into account the benefits that agriculture has in terms of natural and climatic conditions, namely soil and climate, and relying primarily on financial support from European funds. Thus, Bulgarian agriculture did not live up to the expectations of European investors who were emerging in the production of quality agricultural products, limiting the process of depopulation in the regions and ensuring employment (major or additional) of the Bulgarian rural population.
Keywords: agricultural sector, Bulgaria, agriculture, commodity producer, European Union, land reform.
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