Ihor Sribnyak

Dr. habil. (History), Professor

Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, Kyiv, Ukraine

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Maryna Paliienko

Dr. habil. (History), Professor

Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Ukraine

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Abstract. The activity of the Joint Cadet School (JCS) in the camps of the interned military forces of the Ukrainian People’s Republic (URP) appears to be an outstanding example of self-sacrifice and devotion to duty among the majority of cadets and officers. Despite all difficulties of existence in camps along with resettlements, a lack of resources, funds, and facilities necessary for JCS proper functioning, cadets’ vocational training, and their national awareness had never ceased.

Thanks to teachers’ endeavors, cadets acquired in-depth knowledge on special (tactics, artillery, fortification, military administration, etc.), as well as general education courses (history and geography of Ukraine, military history, jurisprudence, the Ukrainian and foreign languages, and so forth). Importantly, JCS students on service and off-duty spoke Ukrainian as a matter of principle and fought as best as they could against the dominance of the Russian language in camps.

In the circumstances of JCS chronic underfunding, it’s almost sole source for humanitarian aid was financial contributions and gifts from benefactors who acted as Ukrainian charitable and non-governmental organizations, as well as individuals. Their support did not cover all JCS officers’ and cadets’ needs, but thanks to these payments, its permanent personnel had a possibility to teach while cadets had an opportunity to study.

Consequently, the Joint Cadet School ceaselessly continued cadet training resulting in four class graduation of young officers (in total, 259 standard-bearers), thus, making its honorable contribution in the enlargement of the UPR Army officer corps. Each of the JCS graduates had a destiny of his own, but solid foundations of statehood awareness in terms of independent Ukraine’s needs decisively impacted the majority of them, determining the rest of their lives and activity.

Key words: Joint Cadet School, standard-bearer, cadet, studies, camp Kalisz, Ukrainian interned soldiers, Poland.

Subnmitted 20.09.2021



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