Participation of Great Britain in european political integration: between atlanticism and europeanism

Andrew Hrubinko

Ph. D. (History), Associate Professor, Ternopil National Economic University, PhD student of International Relations and Foreign Policy of Ukraine, National Academy of Sciences Institute of History

UDС 94(420).086+341.174


In the article the features of participation Great Britain in European political integration in the context of dichotomy basic directions of foreign policy – Atlantic and European are analysed. The sources of forming countrie’s policy in relation to political and military European integration are considered. The special attention is spared to the problem of transformations the European policy of Great Britain’s governments in the context of forming the Common Foreign and Security policy and Common Security and Defence Policy of European Union in a period 1990 – 2015.


Great Britain, European integration, CFSP of EU, CSDP of EU, NATO, The USA, “Special relations”.

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