Viktoriia Pilkevych
PhD in History, Associate Professor
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine
Anna Shkorupinska
Master’s Student
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine
Abstract. In this article, the main achievements and miscalculations of the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) from 1975 to 2020 are researched in detail. The World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) is a specialized intergovernmental institution of the United Nations system, which is responsible for promoting sustainable, responsible and sustainable development. Thus, the main goal of this organization is to promote tourism, which will make an invaluable contribution to economic prosperity, maintaining peace and international security, prosperity of states, respect and observance of human rights and freedoms in the world. By taking appropriate action, UNWTO is moving closer and closer to achieving this goal. Therefore, this article traces the statistics of the growth of the level of international tourism in all regions of the world during the organization existence period and in recent years. In addition, the reverse process has been recorded, namely why 2020 is considered the worst year for tourism, and what losses follow when, for example, between 100 and 120 million workers in the tourism industry have lost their jobs. The work also depicts the creation of the regulatory framework of the Organization, which is undoubtedly an achievement. It is impossible not to mention the agreement on the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), signed in 1976, the Manila Declaration on World Tourism in 1980, the Tourism Code in 1985, and so on. Also, the implementation of the Global Code of Ethics in Tourism and the 17 Sustainable Development Goals maximizes the socio-economic growth of the tourism industry. In addition to the adoption of important documents, it is also worth paying attention to the variety of activities of the Organization. Throughout its existence, UNWTO has held a large number of international forums, conferences, seminars, etc., from cultural to technical topics. These achievements are confirmed by the fact that international tourism has become one of the means of the countries’ economic growth. The achievements of this organization are also reflected in universal recognition, for example, 2002 was declared the International Year of Ecotourism, and 2017 – the International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development, during which a number of thematic events were held with a large number of people. In addition, Tourism Day is celebrated every year on September 27, which testifies to the popularity and importance of the industry for the world. Recognition is also evident through the cooperation of UNWTO with more than 200 international organizations, such as the World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC). However, despite the huge number of positives of the organization, there are still some miscalculations. This is the amount of membership fees and gaps in tourism statistics and classification. In general, UNWTO is the leading international intergovernmental organization on travel and tourism, whose main functions are to promote global tourism through planning, development of recommendations and direct assistance to member countries in increasing the tourist attractiveness of regions, given the economic benefits.
Key words: UNWTO, tourism sector, international travel, organization, countries, cultures, pandemic.
Submitted: 15.02.2021
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