Yehor Tsetsulnikov,
Master’s Student,
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine
Abstract. The purpose of this article is to explore the political reforms of the government of Adolfo Suarez from July 1976, after his appointment by King Juan Carlos, to June 1977, when the democratic elections for the General Cortes were held by the government.
The main prerequisite for the appointment of Adolfo Suarez as Prime Minister was the personality factor. He belonged to a new generation of politicians that was formed in the conditions of economic liberalization during the last 15 years of Francisco Franco’s rule. This contributed to his awareness of the obsolescence of existing institutions, and his readiness to implement real, not declarative, changes. Belonging to the ruling party, high reputation among representatives of the conservative part of the political community, made his candidacy for the position of the head of the government worthy of trust. In addition, the impossibility of taking a hard course against the democratic opposition played a role, which could end with unpredictable consequences for Spain.
From July 1976 to June 1977, significant political transformations took place in Spain. Appointed by King Juan Carlos to the position of President of the Government (Prime Minister), Adolfo Suarez initiated the liquidation of political institutions that existed under the authoritarian regime of Francisco Franco. During Suarez’s tenure, the Spanish Cortes (legislative assembly under Franco) adopted the “Political Reform”. It became a legal instrument that allowed the government to legally change the previous state structures and appoint democratic elections. Thus, the way to the creation of a democratic state was paved.
During Suarez’s rule, the social and political climate in Spain was liberalized. This was facilitated by the government’s dialogue with representatives of the democratic opposition, amnesty and the legalization of parties, in particular the communist party. In the first democratic elections after decades of dictatorship, a party system of “imperfect bipartisanship” was formed, on which subsequent Spanish governments relied.
Key words: Spain, internal politics, the government of A. Suarez, political reforms, parliamentary elections, amnesty.
Submitted 27.12.2022
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