Roman Ofitsynskyy,
Dr. Habil. (History), Professor,
Transcarpathian Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education,
Uzhhorod, Ukraine
Abstract. This article is devoted to the modern Russian-Ukrainian war, which began in February 2014 and is still ongoing. In this context, attention is drawn to the informational and explanatory efforts of Ukrainian diplomacy, primarily the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine. The official foreign policy position of the state of Ukraine regarding the prerequisites, causes, course and consequences of Russian aggression is investigated. Mainly, the substantive activity of Ukrainian diplomacy is highlighted – the provisions, arguments, and evidence that formed the basis of the powerful support of Ukraine (as a victim of Russian aggression) by leading states and intergovernmental organizations. In order to achieve this main goal of his research, the author carefully analyzed the official portal of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine. The specified ministry objectively classified Russia’s armed aggression against Ukraine as a pre-planned military operation that began on February 20, 2014, with the seizure of the Crimean peninsula. Ukrainian diplomats are rightly convinced that Russia’s modern war against Ukraine is a civilizational conflict – a struggle against Russian neo-colonialism. The most important current goals of Ukraine include the liberation of the occupied territories, restoration of its territorial integrity, including the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol. In addition, Russia must pay compensation for the destruction caused to Ukraine, and Russian war criminals must be properly punished. At the same time, Ukraine deserves effective international legal guarantees of its security and full membership in the European and Euro-Atlantic unions. In general, informational and educational efforts remain a priority area of activity of Ukrainian diplomacy in the conditions of Russian aggression against Ukraine.
Keywords: Russian aggression, hybrid war, diplomacy, Crimea, Donbas, Russia, Ukraine.
Submitted 17.04.2023
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