The Diplomatic Activities of Ukrainian Hetmans: the Black Sea Vector

Ferhad Turanly

Ph.D (History), Associate Professor, National University of “Kyiv-Mohyla Academy”, Kyiv

UDС [930.2+327.82]:947.7 “16”



The study is а consideration of the Turkish vector in the diplomatic activities of the Ukrainian Hetmans in the 17th century based on the Ukrainian and the Turkic-Ottoman sources. The circumstances of Hetman Bohdan Khmelnytshky’s residence in Bakhchisarai under the reigning of Sultan Mehmet IV, as well as making the agreement between the Ukrainian Cossack State and the Crimean Khanate have been investigated. In particular, the focuse has been made on the importance of diplomatic activities of Hetman Petro Doroshenko in the relations with the Ottoman Empire.

The analysis of the Turkish-written sources also revealed the fact that from the time of the start of Hetman P. Dorosheko’s ruling the rise of the diplomatic relations between Chyhyryn and Istanbul has taken place. A series of envoys from the Turkish Sultan in 1169 resulted in Mehmed IV’s issuing an order on awarding P. Doroshenko with hetman’s authorities in regard of the Zaporozhian Cossacks. The Turkish side has been recognizing the hetman’s authority in Ukraine for a long period. The liberation of Ukraine from the Polish-Lithuanian occupation has become the result of the observing the terms and conditions of the agreement made with Hetman Petro Doroshenko, which were provided in the above said Ferman of Mehmed IV. In the war of the Ottoman Empire against the Polish and Lithuanian Commonwealth, the Moscow, Austrian and German soldiers, as well as the Ukrainian Cossacks (the latter ones were headed by Hetman Mykhailo Khanenko) have been engaged to combat on the Polish side. Despite such an alignment of the military forces, the Turkish Army together with the Cossacks headed by Hetman P. Doroshenko and the Crimean warriors succeeded in winning the battle. In the Turkish Army sources one can find some compliments addressed to the Ukrainian hetman, e.g. “the Pride of all the Christian Rulers, the Ruler of a Free Nation worshipping Jesus Crist”, which proves that, apart from the diplomatic recognition of the said hetman, the Ukrainian Cossacks have been highly respected, and that the Christianity has been treated with tolerance.


Ukraine, a Hetman, Turkey, a Sultan, Diplomacy, the Black Sea.

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