Svitlana Motruk,
Ph.D. (History), Associate Professor,
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine
Based on a wide and representative source base, the article highlights the situation of Ukrainian forced migrants in the Czech Republic in the context of the Russian-Ukrainian war. The author analyses their socio-demographic structure, living and working conditions, problems, attitudes and intentions. Particular attention is paid to the specifics of the processes of social adaptation, integration, assimilation against the background of challenges to preserving national identity and the main factors of return/non-return to the homeland. Specific examples are used to demonstrate the positive contribution of Ukrainian refugees, who are increasingly working and doing business, to all spheres of Czech society, which has a favourable impact on economic performance and welfare. Ukrainians bring significant benefits to their workplaces and help the Czech economy, despite the large number of those with jobs that are significantly lower qualifications. At the same time, it is noted that despite the fairly high level of integration, issues of language, education, employment and housing still pose obstacles for some refugees. The flow of forced migrants has become a catalyst for approaches to providing them with protection in European countries, including the Czech Republic, which ranks third in the EU in terms of the number of war refugees. This country was one of the first to create a special support program and law for Ukrainian citizens (Lex Ukrajina I-VII). It constantly extends the validity of temporary protection (currently until March 2026), while introducing some additional changes to expand the scope of legalisation of refugees’ stay. The latest innovations include the possibility of switching to a special long-term type of residence, restrictions on the provision of humanitarian housing, changes in the rules of children’s education, and assistance for returning home. Recent sociological surveys have revealed an ambiguous attitude of Czechs towards forced migrants from Ukraine. On the one hand, they see their successful integration, on the other hand, they do not want refugees to stay in the Czech Republic.
Keywords: Ukrainian forced migrants, war refugees, temporary protection, integration, Czech Republic, Ukraine, European Union.
Submitted 13.08.2024
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