Transformation of Production Relations in the Agricultural Sector of the Economy of Bulgaria in the Euro-Integration Conditions

Mariia Georgiieva

Ph.D. (History), Associate Professor, Department of Theory and History of State and Law, National Transport University, Kyiv

UDC 94(497.2):338.43+330.35



On the basis of archival sources and studies of Bulgarian historians, the peculiarities of changes in production relations and productivity of the agrarian sector of the Bulgarian economy in the context of European integration are revealed. It is analyzed which sectors of agriculture developed, and which, on the contrary, were in a state of stagnation. In the process of Bulgaria’s accession to the European Union, the agrarian sector of the economy needed modernization of the management system and the reform of production relations.In the Bulgarian countryside, during the period of 1990-2007, a process of reforming agricultural production relations was taking place, accompanied by the conditions of European integration, which, in turn, led to the need for transformation of all spheres of agriculture in the country. One of the most important was the agrarian sphere. During the period of 1944 – 1989, the transformation in the agrarian sector of agricultural commodity production was rather controversial: the imperfection of land reform, namely land privatization, intensive process of agricultural co-operation, led to the creation of gaps in the development of all spheres of the agrarian sector. With the integration of Bulgaria into the European Union, the issue of harmonization of the agricultural production sector with the requirements of the European Union in the field of intensification of agricultural development and promotion of trade with the European Union with agrarian products became important.

Given the current state of European integration processes in Ukraine, a comprehensive study of the historical conditions of the agricultural reforms in agriculture, which will allow us to analyze the problems and determine the prospects for its development on the path of integration into the European economic space, is relevant.

Key words

Agrarian sector, agrarian relations, privatization, European Union, deregulation, Bulgaria, agriculture.

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