Volume 13
№13 (2019): European historical studies: scientific journal
UDC 94
ISSN 2524-048X
DOI: http://doi.org/10.17721/2524-048X.2019.13
European Integration: Past and Present
- Mariia Georgiieva. Transformation of Production Relations in the Agricultural Sector of the Economy of Bulgaria in the Euro-Integration Conditions 8-24
- Volodymyr Latenko. Visegrad Group: History of Creation and Experience of Cooperation with Ukraine in the Context of European Integration 25-50
- Tetiana Perga. Wilderness in the Environmental Policy of the European Union 51-66
- Zinaida Sviashchenko. Migration Policy of the European Union on the Countries of Northern Africa 67-83
- Veronika Yakuba. European Integration of Ukraine in the Context of Geopolitical Contrasting «Russia-West» 84-100
Actual problems of European history and international relations
- Olha Buturlimova. Relations Between Labour Party and Christian Churches in England at the End of XIX – the First Third of the XX cc. 101-20
- Andrii Chalyi, Oleksandr Ivanov. In View of European: Vision of the East in Abraham Anquetil-Duperron`s «Oriental Legislation» 121-140
- Olexander Nazarchuk, Pavlo Satskyi. The Security Aspects of the Ukrainian People’s Republic in Relations with Germany and Austria-Hungary in March-April 1918 141-156
- Nataliia Papenko. Colonial Policy of German Empire in China and Oceania in the Last Third of XIX – Beginning of XX Century 157-182
- Oleksii Sokyrko. Western European Military Practices and Technologies in Ukraine in XVIII Century 183-202
- Іhor Sribniak, Anna Khlebina. Everydays Life of the Interned Ukrainian Soldiers in the Libereс Camp (Czechoslovakia): Endeavour of Visualization (by Materials of the Central State Archives of Supreme Authorities and Government of Ukraine and Slavonic Library in Prague) 203-232
- Valerii Yarovyj, Yaroslava Dmytruk. The Role of National Minorities in the Polish Armed Forces During the September 1939 Campaign 233-248
Science chronicle
- Andrii Martynov, Oleg Mashevskyi, Evgen Khan. The Scientific Achievements of the Science and Research Department of History Faculty of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (2016 – 2018) 249-270
Information about the authors 156-157
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